Die Dampflokomotiven der indonesischen Werkbahnen
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Die Dampflokomotiven der indonesischen Werkbahnen

Uwe Bergmann

The industrial steam locomotives of Indonesia. Perhaps the heaviest railway book this year, and with the largest number of little known locomotives! 512 pages 23x34 cm, 987 photos, details of ca 1,200 steam, 160 electric and 8 compressed air locomotives. German text with 24 page English text supplement. Publishers description:

1,200 industrial steam locomotives since 1867. Uwe Bergmann visited Indonesia for the first time in 1978. Fascinated by the country and by the huge variety of steam locomo­tives, he began, in more than a dozen subsequent trips there, to systematically document the steam operations of its industrial railways.

Since the colonial era about 250 different indus­trial systems are known to have used steam locomotives. The great majority of these were sugar factories but other agri­cultural products and mineral resources were also transported by a works railway.

For every operation there is a list of all documented locomotives and more than one thousand photographs docu­ment the sheer variety of the approxima­tely 1,200 steam locomotives that were delivered to Indonesia. Over 900 were built in Germany, with O&K supplying the lion's share: 632 locos. But other European and American locomotive manufacturers were also represented.

In addition to the steam engines, the approximately 160 electric locos and eight compressed air locomotives that were in service in Indonesia are also described. A second book is required for the more than 1,000 die­sel locomotives.
Lagerstatus:I lager
695kr / st.
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